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Having access to various movement languages is something dancers in bigger cities can count on when they need a technique boost or a creative reboot. It’s a kind of professional development that’s been hard to come by here, but as demand increases so does supply. It’s been the dream of many of us to have more options for the dance community in Tulsa, and with a lot of work and a lot of goodwill that dream is becoming real. 

On March 29, Tulsa dancers will have a chance to dive deep into two different techniques that play well together — Countertechnique and Gaga — as Bell House Art brings Kira Blazek of the University of Oklahoma and Amy Morrow (well-loved here after her winter Gaga series) to town for this unique doubleheader. Morrow will teach a Gaga/Dancers class, followed by a composition workshop based in Gaga. Blazek will teach Countertechnique, developed by Anouk van Dijk. Pre-registration happens here. Come get some new tools!
